Wake-up World Series

hero-WEF-lighthousesSection 14 of The New Zealand Bill of Rights Act (1990), states; ‘Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.’

The Lord told us to “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesars; and unto God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21). So, Our Duty as Christians is to be obedient to the laws of the land, and ‘render to Caesar the things which are Caesars.’ But, if the time ever comes, when we are asked to ‘render to Caesar the things which are God’s,’ then our duty as Christians is to disobey Caesar and be loyal to the Lord Jesus.

Christian’s must be brave, after all, the Creator of all things stands with us. We should never wilfully abuse anyone, but Social Justice Snowflakes, and Political Correctness, should not be met with surrender, but with irreverence, undisciplined rebuke, and boldness. Stand up for what you believe in, even if you have to stand alone. Conformity is cowardice, because conformity creates a safe space to crawl into, away from scrutiny. The Lord never cleansed the Temple with a mop and bucket, He did it with a whip.

Social Justice Snowflakes laud themselves as the ‘protecters’ of those who are ‘victimised,’ when in reality they are intolerant bigots, who want to silence any voice except their own. These people always play dirty, always lie, and always stoop to ad hominim attacks, rather than talking about the ‘issue’ at hand. Never try to bargain with them, instead, rock the boat, and upset their soy lattes, and diet cokes.

These documents may be freely downloaded as a PDF.

#1 How will the United Nations Agenda 21 Act affect you?

The United Nations World Takeover will strip you of your freedoms, rights, privacy, and the ability to make your own life choices. This document will help you understand the evil things taking place covertly, without your permission, or knowledge, that will affect you and every future generation.

Stream or Download this Audio here:

#2 The Covid 19 World Government
The most dangerous thing by far, about the Covid 19 ‘pandemic,’ is the way it is being hijacked by Globalists, as an excuse to bring in a Socialist World Government.

#3 The Godless Delusion
The worst problem we have, with those who are not aware of the Spiritual Realm, is that everything they think, understand, and explain, is incomplete.

Stream or Download this Audio here:

#4 Earthquake Dream 1937
In 1937, 17 year old Joe Brandt, had a series of dreams over four nights, that showed the destruction of Los Angeles, and severe destruction around the world. He saw modern fashions, modern cars, and multi-lane highways that did not exist in 1937.

Stream or Download this Audio here:

#5 Falun Gong Organ Harvesting
More than one million Falun Gong have been murdered in China, to supply hearts, kidneys, livers, etc. for the ‘Tourist Organ Market.’

Stream or Download this Audio here:

#6 Why Black Lives Don’t Matter to Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with Black Lives. It is a racist Political Organisation, that exists solely, to create tension between the Black and White races, and is especially anti-Police.

#7 Che Guevara
Che Guevara is revered as a ‘Cult Hero’ by some well known celebrities, and suggested as a role model for todays youth. But, who was he really? In reality, he was one of the most sadistic monsters, of the 20th century; responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent victims.

#8 The Rescue Shop News
#1 Visions – This booklet is a warning, and a hope. We’re running out of time. We all need to be prepared.