Simple Truth Series

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Simple Truth Series – #1 Giving God A Chance to be God
Who is Jesus Christ? He wants us to see Him as Almighty God, and give Him a chance to be God for us.

Simple Truth Series – #2 Why have you made me like this?
A study of the Body, Soul, and Spirit.

Simple Truth Series – #3 Free will
Free will gives every person the freedom to make every choice in their own lives.

Simple Truth Series – #4 Why does there have to be a Great Tribulation?
The Great Tribulation will take place in response to what the ungodly are doing on Earth.

Simple Truth Series – #5 So whats the problem with Hypnotism?
Is Hypnotism merely harmless fun?

Simple Truth Series – #6 Spiritual Revelation
‘But I certify you brethren, that the gospel which is preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.’ (Galatians 1:11-12).

Simple Truth Series – #7 The Christians Life of Prayer
A study of the Christian’s intimate Prayer life, with our Lord, and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Simple Truth Series – #8 Our Personal Ministries – Part 1
Allowing Gods gifts to fulfill their ministries.

Simple Truth Series – #8 Our Personal Ministries – Part 2
The time of your anointing.
Ministering your gift and Love.

Simple Truth Series – #9 Are all Bibles created equal
Is the Word of God, always the Word of God?

Simple Truth Series – #10 Predestination
A Study of the Sovereign election of God in History.
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Simple Truth Series – #11 Faith
What is Faith? How do we get it? How do we use it? Why are there unanswered prayers?

Simple Truth Series – #12 Marriage Divorce and Remarriage
Marriage, Divorce and re-marriage, what does the bible teach?

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Simple Truth Series – #13 In the Beginning God
The Desire of ‘I Am’ in Eternity fulfilled in the ‘Plan of God’ in Creation

Simple Truth Series – #14 Between Time and Eternity
A study of the Physical and Spiritual Realms, and the interactions between them.

Simple Truth Series – #15 Christophobia
If you took notice of all you are told in the ‘News’, and all you hear about ‘Islamophobia’, you could never believe that 80% of all Religious discrimination and persecution worldwide, is against Christians.

This booklet has been temporarily removed from The Rescue Shop website, in response to the New Zealand Socialist / Communist Government’s, so-called Hate Speech laws.
These laws were enacted to muzzle the general public of New Zealand, and create a silent majority, who have no way to express their fears, criticism, or opposition, to things which they personally find morally wrong, or repugnant.
Christophobia is the main form of Religious repression in the world.

Simple Truth Series – #16 Forgiveness
What happened yesterday, stays in yesterday.

Simple Truth Series – #17 The Trail of the Serpent
The Trail of the Serpent, from God’s Garden of Eden, to Satan’s Eden, under the World Government.

Simple Truth Series – #18 What is Hell like, And why was it created?
Hell is not a place where sinners are tormented by Devils with pitchforks. It is a prison, where sinners are kept in darkness until the Judgement.

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Simple Truth Series – #19 Heresies invented by Rome
A list of unscriptural dogmas and practices that are taught by the Roman Church as being equal with, or above the Word of God.

Simple Truth Series – #20 A His-Story lesson Part 1
Before the World was

The Plan of God perfected in Eternity, before Creation began.

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Simple Truth Series – #20 Part 2
The Serpents Seed

Because Cain and the Serpent’s descendants weren’t in the Lamb’s Book of Life, they aren’t a part of the Plan of God, and there will always be enmity between them, and Adam’s descendants.

Simple Truth Series – #21 Original Sin and the Fall of Mankind
Everything the Lord created was ‘good,’ on His own admission, because it was the fulfillment of the Plan of God. But then, an event occurred in the Garden of Eden, which polluted that Plan, and caused every sorrow, sickness, heartache, and death. It was the Original Sin. The Original Sin was not eating an apple, it was creating something that was outside the Plan of God.

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