Short Stories/Comic Verse

The Innkeeper
The world was made for man, not man for the world, and we must always make room in it for our Lord.

Who do you say Jesus is
What Jesus is able to do for us, depends on Who we believe Him to be.

Footprints on the Sands of Time
A short Salvation message.

Comic Verse

Money Doesnt grow on trees
Money is a means to an end, and not the end itself.

When Charlie Darwin Tried to Make a Monkey Out of Me
Evolution is a fallacy. At the end of his life Charles Darwin admitted it was wrong.

The Shekel Shuffle
The wealthiest people on Earth are never the happiest.

Hey I know you!
We must get close enough to people to be able to testify to them about the Lord.

Far from the mad Russian Crowd
Communism promised the world a utopia, but there will be no utopia on earth until the ‘kingdoms of this world become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ’.