These Skits are in the Public Domain, and are free to download, copy, and perform.
Click on the Skit title to download as a PDF.
Udders The Viking Skit #1 My Short Comings, and My Long Goings
Just for fun.
Udders the Viking Skit #2 Squatters Rights
Just for fun.
The Outlaw Rex Foley Skits #1 An Honest deal
Just for fun.
Pastor Shepherd Skit #1 Partners
The word of God is God’s Will. Free Will gives everyone the choice to obey God’s Will, or decide their own will.
Crossing Bridges Skit
A basic Salvation Skit. Showing the result of ignoring the warnings.
The Mighty Me Skit #1 Bookshop
A skit about how the ‘New’ man is influenced by the ‘Old’ man.
The Mighty Me Skit #2 Donuts
Our conscience was given to protect us from ourselves.
Thy Word is Truth Skit #1 Stoners
St Paul said he was ‘stoned’. But does that mean he was smoking dope?
Thy Word is Truth Skit #2 Our Feathered Friend
Psalm 91 tells us God has feathers and wings. Does that mean he’s a duck? Taking Gods Word out of context gives us a pretext, for a wrong text.
Thy Word is Truth Skit #3 Talk the Talk
When the Lord inspires someone, that is the Word of God spoken through them.
Thy Word is Truth Skit #4 Fishers of Men
If God has a rod and staff, where does He go fishing?
Annie and God Skit #1 Let us meet God
“Does God go to Church? Yes He does. Jesus said “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name there am I in the midst of them.”
Annie and God Skit #2 Making a Christian
Does going to church make you a Christian? No…
Annie and God Skit #3 Who’s driving today
God knows all about us….He knows how many breaths we will take in our life times, how many times our hearts will beat, and when we will die….
Annie and God Skit #4 The Prayer of Faith
Does God care about a little girls teddy bear? Of course He does. Anything that’s important to us, is important to Him.
Annie and God Skit #5 Gods Pet
When the Lord made so many dogs, did He keep one just for Himself?
Free Will Skit #1 Is there a Doctor in the house
Free-will is given to every person by the Lord to give them the right to choose everything in their own lives. Mummy and Daddy can’t decide your future for you, they are only given the right to decide their own futures.
Free Will Skit #2 No such thing as a free lunch
Whenever someone else makes a decision for you, they have taken away your free-will, and that puts them OUT of the Will of God.
Free Will Skit #3 Putting the Car before the Horse
There’s a reason for the choices we make, and when we accept second-best, it isn’t a choice, it’s defaulting.
Free Will Skit #4 Trolley full of bargains
If someone else does your shopping for you, you’ll end up with tins and packets of things you will never use, because that is their taste, not yours.
Free Will Skit #5 Threes a crowd
Some people just can’t take a hint. Two’s company and three’s a crowd, when those two just want their own company.
Free Will Skit #6 What’s In A Name
If a friend asks you to do something and you aren’t allowed to say ‘no’ it isn’t friendship. It’s bullying.
Free Will Skit #7 Fun And Games
Free-will is a God given right: ‘To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven.
Free Will Skit #8 Round Three
It’s always better to let someone else make the wrong choice themselves….Than for us to make the right choice for them….Because that’s what the Lord does.
I am God Skit #1 The Bouncer
The one place you should always feel accepted is in Church. Because the Church has the Remedy for all Mankinds illnesses. Physical, Spiritual and Moral.
I Am God Skit #2 Still Small Voice
Is Church supposed to be all rules and no fun? David said ‘I was happy when they said unto me ‘let us go into the house of the Lord.’
I Am God Skit #3 Day Of Rest
Church isn’t about attendance, it’s about Fellowship.
I Am God Skit #4 The Way God Likes It
We don’t attend ‘Church’ to be beaten into submission and conformity. We attend to Worship our Creator.
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #1 Shoes
Do you just want any old pair of shoes?….Or a pair of size 8 wide, brown shoes?….Then ask for them.
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #2 Marriage
So you’re looking for a husband or a wife? Do you want to choose what they look like?
Being specific in Prayer Skit #3 Best Wishes
It’s our Prayers that get answered, not our wishes.
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #4 Is Better better
Is better, better?…Or is it better?….And if someone needs ‘help’.. Do they need ‘help?’.. or ‘help?’.. or help?
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #5 Decisions decisions
Ask for exactly what you want, so you know what you’ll get.
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #6 I can hear music
The Lord Jesus told a Parable to the end that men should always pray and not faint.. And when these guys get a new toy.. you really need to do that.
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #7 The Cross
The Lord Jesus told a Parable to the end that men should always pray and not faint.. And when these guys get a new toy.. you really need to do that.
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #8 The Poetry
Whether we pray in rhyme or not, doesn’t matter, as long as we pray from the heart.
Being Specific in Prayer Skit #9 Bluetooth
It doesn’t matter how you pray. How loud or how softly, how good or how badly. It only matters that you believe.
The Last man Standing Club Skit #1 – Creation
Nothing just happens. You can’t have an effect without a cause. And you can’t have a creation without a creator.
The Last man Standing Club Skit #2 – Law and Order
You can’t have order in Nature by chance anymore than you can have order in a phone-book by chance.
The Last Man Standing Club Skit #3 – The Invention
Just because something is convenient or good, doesn’t mean it will be popular
The Last Man Standing Club Skit #4 – The Motor Car
Motorcars, like everything else, don’t just happen. And, they didn’t evolve from school boys marbles.
The Last Man Standing Club Skit #5 – Happy Birthday
What do you give the man who has everything? A photo of yourself of course, again.
The Last Man Standing Club Skit #6 – Give up Comedy
If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, is comedy in the ear of the hearer?
The Last Man Standing Club Skit #7 – The Architect Skit
The origin of all things is Spiritual. But the Spiritually blind have to explain things in ways their limited understanding allows them to.
The Last Man Standing Club Skit #8 – The origin of Dumbkins
Just because we all have family trees, doesn’t mean that we all descended from monkeys.
The Last Man Standing Club Skit #9 – The Interview
Things don’t happen because they’re proven true, they’re proven true because they happen.
The Church Of Saint Judas Iscariot The Burgler Skit #1 One Of Us
Instead of teaching God’s Word as Truth, too many Churches today cater to the people who attend, or those they are hoping to attract.
The Church Of Saint Judas Iscariot The Burgler Skit #2 The Pot And The Kettle
There is no such thing as Good sin and Bad sin… In the eyes of God it’s all Filthy Rotten Sin.
The Pot And The Kettle
There is no such thing as ‘good’ sin, and ‘bad’ sin, in the eyes of God it’s all filthy rotten sin.
Strange Experiences skit #1 Noah and the Ark
Too often, what we do in this life is conditioned by what others might think of us.
Strange Experiences skit #2 Walking on water
How do you explain something to your friends that they’ve never seen before. Something that defies everything they already know? Can you do it?
Strange Experiences skit #3 The Damascus Road
When we read events in the Bible, we accept that the things that were written are all that happened. But, they don’t record the undercurrents as best friends became former friends.
Strange Experiences Skit #4 God on the Seashore
So you heard God calling you? And what did your friends say? Or more importantly…..What didn’t they say?
Strange Experiences Skit #5 Abe and Sarah
Could you believe it if your Grandma announced she was going to have a baby?
The Ten Commandments Skit
The Bible asks ‘Can a nation be born in one day?’…Yes in one day all the Elect Israel will be saved.
The Humble Brothers Skit – Smiles
Pride is a terrible thing. Pride is why Sodom and Gomorrah were burned
The Good Atheist Skit (A re-telling of the Good Samaritan)
The Lord said, “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”
The Boiled Egg Ass Riders Club Skit #1 The Woman at the Well
The Woman at the Well. John Chapter 4
Its No Laughing Matter Skit
Hell is no laughing matter. It’s a real literal place. A Gospel skit.
The Good News Skit
The Good News will not get you out of hell. But, it does tell you how to avoid going there. A Gospel skit.
Mary McCarty Skit
We all have to take risks in life, and taking a risk always involves an element of the unknown.
Ghosts of Christmas Past Skit #1
The unsaved can’t tell the unsaved about the Plan of Salvation, because they don’t know about it themselves. If we don’t tell them, who will?
Ghosts of Christmas Past Skit #2
We are the ones entrusted with the Gospel Light, to show the Plan of Salvation to those who can’t see it for themselves.
Ghosts of Christmas Past Skit #3
We all have to take risks in life, and taking a risk always involves an element of the unknown.
Ghosts of Christmas Past Skit #4
The past can rob us of the present.
The Boys Club Skit #1 Burnt Offerings
Did you get married to have someone to divide the expenses and chores of life with? Or was it….?
The Boys Club Skit #2 No Parking
Did you get married to have someone to cook your meals just the way you like them? Or was it to spend your life with the one who you couldn’t live without?
The Boys Club Skit #3 The Garden Gnome
Why did you get married? Was it to have someone to do all the chores you don’t like doing?
The Boys Club Skit #4 The Good Oil
Every page in the Bible must reveal Jesus Christ to us or we’ve missed something. We’ve missed the reason why that page was included in the Bible.
The Boys Club Skit #5 Alcoholics Alotofus
All things are lawful for us, but all things are not good for us.
The Boys Club Skits #6 Hedging your Bets
Marriage is about companionship, it isn’t a sparring match.
The Boys Club Skits #7 The Drunkfood Cookbook
Free-will gives everyone the liberty to choose what they eat for breakfast, or at any other time.
The Boys Club Skits #8 Happy Birthday Harriet
What do you give the one you love for their birthday? What they want? Or, what you want?
The Boys Club Skits #9 Dinners on me
What’s mine is yours… And what’s yours is mine…. Isn’t that how it goes?
The Boys Club Skits #10 The Earthfood Cookbook
Everyone eats dirt some time.
The Boys Club Skits #11 Funny Business
Not everyone needs beer coolers.
The Boys Club Skit #12 What’s in a Frame?
There’s recycling, and recycling.
The Boys Club Skit #13 A Crash Course
What’s yours isnt always mine.
The Boys Club Skit #14 Boys Club Wisdom
How smart can a few beers make a guy?
The Boys Club Skit #15 The Boys Club Funny Afternoon
What’s the difference between ‘funny ha ha,’ and funny if you’re drunk?
The Church of St Phebalium at the Mall Skit #1
The cry of one voice among the billions of others will always get the Lord’s undivided attention and response.
Thus Saith the Lord Skit #1 Ahaz
Mankind can treat their Creator as if He is subject to them, but when they take their last breath, they will learn differently.
Thus Saith the Lord Skit #2 Caesar
We are told to render to render to Caesars, so Caesar must learn to render to God what is God’s.
Waggers Skit #1 Grass Growers
Just for fun.
Waggers Skits #2 The Hold Up
Just for fun.
Waggers Skits #3 Champion of Champions
Just for fun.
Waggers Skits #4 Fairs Fair
Just for fun.
Word Of Knowledge #1 A Time to speak
God is Omniscient, meaning He knows all things. So, He gets it right, first time, every time.
Watch and Pray Skit #1 Lady Luck
If you’re told something’s a steal, then it probably is.
Watch and Pray Skit #2 Star of the Show
There’s one born every minute, and it isn’t a star.
Watch and Pray Skit #3 Roses
There’s no fool like an old fool.
Political Incorrectness Skit 1 – Space Trek
In the ‘Politically Correct’ world, ‘Truth’ can be stranger than fiction.
Political Incorrectness Skit 2 – Truth and Error
In the ‘Politically Correct’ world, today’s ‘Truth’ is what you make it today.
The Fudders and Dork Show Skit #1 Smoking It
Making something legal, doesn’t make it right.
The Fudders and Dork Show Skit #2 The Man Trap
If you want to catch a fish, you need to use bait that will attract him.
The Fudders and Dork Show Skit #3 Lady Luck
If you want to catch the Lady of your dreams, a skip on the lawn, and some deodorant can help as much as years of Prayer.
The Fudders and Dork Show Skit #4 The Wild Man
Spraying on deodorant that smells like a ‘Wild Man,’ won’t make you into one. Change happens on the inside.
The Fudders and Dork Show Skit #5 The Price Of Freedom
There is ‘Free’ and ‘Free,’ and ‘Free’ isn’t always ‘Free.’
The Fudders and Dork Show Skit #6 Talkback
Where there’s a question, there’s an answer, so if you ask for questions, you have to be prepared to answer the hard ones.
The Fudders and Dork Show Skit #7 The Flattened Earth
Solving the impossible is all in a days work for some.
The Parables of Jesus #1 The Sower
How we respond to the Word of God, is the most important decision we will ever make in life.
The Miracles of Jesus Skits #1 Blind Bartimaeus
The One who created sight, can restore it for a blind man.
The Miracles of Jesus Skits #2 Feeding the five Thousand
When Jesus took a boy’s lunch, and fed a multitude with it, He was proving that He was Emmanuel, God with us.
Angel Story Skits #1 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector
God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.
Angel Story Skits #2 The Woman Taken in Adultery
It takes two to tango, and one shouldn’t pay for the sins of two.
Reverend Blood and Thunder Skits #1 Stairway to Heaven
Nobody is truly saved, by scaring them out of going to Hell.
Reverend Wolff in Sheeps Clothing Skits #1 Johnny Embezzler
There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, and hid, that shall not be known.
Reverend Wolff in Sheeps Clothing Skits #2 Mrs Adulteress
Explaining away someone’s sins, will never absolve them, or clear their conscience.
Disciple Stories #1 Peace, be Still
In God’s realm, everything obeys its Maker.
Disciple Stories #2 The Great Draught of Fishes
In the beginning God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light, at His command. He told Peter to drop his net into an empty sea, and it was full of fish, at His command.
Disciple Stories #3 Five Loaves and Twelve Baskets
The Disciples only had a boys lunch to feed many thousands of people. But, when the Lord Jesus blesses something, it makes the impossible possible.
Judgement Day Skit #1 Asher Yarafat
God is no respecter of persons. (Acts 10:34). All sinners will be judges according to their works, from the (supposedly) greatest, to the (supposedly) least.